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Institution Ada Keshishyants Day Center for Children with Disabilities

Age 4

Date Profile Received: 2023-09-11

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 2019-07-31

Family History: Both of Albert's parents have mental health problems. His father abandoned the family, and his whereabouts are unknown. His mother, Anna, has a higher education and by profession is a Russian language teacher, but is registered in the psychiatric hospital of Vanadzor with a diagnosis of chronic delirium. Albert lives in a one-room apartment with his maternal grandmother, who has health issues. Albert had attended kindergarten for several months, but because he behaved poorly and was often sick, his family withdrew him.

Medical History: Albert displays aggressive behavior, steals things, breaks things, throws things, won't use the toilet, and doesn't speak.

Immediate Needs: Food, clothing, and psychological counseling ($2,400/annually).